
E A B Horrocks, A B Saleem, Locomotion selectively enhances visual speed encoding in mouse medial higher visual areas, bioRxiv (link)

S Zucca*, A Schulz*, P J Goncalves, J H Macke, A B Saleem*~, S G Solomon*~, Loom response in mouse superior collucilus depends on sensorimotor context, bioRxiv (link)

JOURNAL Publications

E A B Horrocks, F R Rodrigues, A B Saleem, Flexible neural population dynamics govern the speed and stability of sensory encoding in mouse visual cortex, Nature Communications (2024) (link)

A B Saleem, L Busse, Interactions between rodent visual and spatial systems during navigation, Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2023) (link)

T Muzzu, A B Saleem, Redefining sensorimotor mismatch selectivity in the visual cortex. Cell Reports (2023) (link)

K Farrell, A Lak*, A B Saleem*, Midbrain dopamine neurons provide teaching signals for goal-directed navigation, Cell Reports (2022) (link)

F R Rodrigues*, A Papanikolaou*, J Holeniewska, K G Phillips, A B Saleem*~, S G Solomon*~, Altered low frequency brain rhythms precede changes in gamma power during tauopathy, iScience (2022). (link)

E A B Horrocks, I Mareschal*, A B Saleem*, Walking humans and running mice: perception and neural encoding of optic flow during self-motion, Philosophical Transactions B. (2022). (link)

T Wheatcroft, A B Saleem, S G Solomon, Functional Organisation of the Mouse Superior Colliculus, Frontiers in Neural Circuits (2022) (link)

A Papanikolaou*, F R Rodrigues*, J Holeniewska, K G Phillips, A B Saleem*~, S G Solomon*~, Plasticity in visual cortex is disrupted in a mouse model of tauopathy and neurodegeneration, Communications Biology (2022). (link)

T Muzzu, A B Saleem, Feature selectivity can explain mismatch signals in mouse visual cortex, Cell Reports (2021). (link)

B Williams, J D Rosario, S Coletta, E K Murlin, T Muzzu, A Speed, L Meyer-Baese, A B Saleem, B Haider, Spatial modulation of dark versus bright stimulus responses in mouse visual cortex. Current Biology (2021). (link)

G Lopes, K Farrell, E A B Horrocks, C Lee, M M Morimoto, T Muzzu, A Papanilolaou, F R Rodrigues, T Wheatcroft, S Zucca, S G Solomon*~, A B Saleem*~, Creating and controlling visual environments using BonVision. eLife (2021). (link)

M M Morimoto*, E Uchishiba*, A B Saleem, Organisation of feedback projections to mouse primary visual cortex. iScience (2021). (link)

E M Diamanti, C Reddy, S Schroder, T Muzzu, K D Harris, A B Saleem, M Carandini, Spatial modulation of visual signals arises in cortex with active navagation. eLife (2021). (link)

J Fournier*, A B Saleem*, E M Diamanti*, M J Wells, K D Harris, M Carandini, Mouse visual cortex is modulated by distance travelled and by theta oscillations. Current Biology (2020). (link)

A B Saleem, Two stream hypothesis of visual processing for navigation in mouse, Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2020). (link) (pdf)

A Ayaz, A Stauble, M Wulf, M Hamada, A B Saleem, F Helmchen, Layer-specific integration of locomotion and sensory information in mouse barrel cortex, Nature Communications (2019). (link)

A B Saleem*, E M Diamanti*, J Fournier, K D Harris~, M Carandini~, Coherent encoding of subjective spatial position in visual cortex and hippocampus, Nature (2018). (link)

L Busse, J A Cardin, M E Chiappe, M M Halassa, M J McGinley, T Yamashita, A B Saleem, Sensation during active behaviors. Journal of Neuroscience (2017). (link)

M M Morimoto, A B Saleem, Choosing the rightbar: a complex problem. Nature Neuroscience (2017). (link)

A B Saleem, A D Lein, M Krumin, B Haider, M Roman Roson, A Ayaz, K Reinhold, L Busse, M Carandini~, K D Harris~, Subcortical source and modulation of the narrowband gamma oscillation in the mouse visual cortex. Neuron (2017). (link) (Preview: New Light on Gamma Oscillations)

G De Franceschi, T Vivattanasarn, A B Saleem~, S G Solomon~, Vision guides selection of freeze or flight defence strategies in mice, Current Biology (2016). (link)

C Rossant*, S N Kadir*, D F Goodman, J Schulman, M L Hunter, A B Saleem, A Grossmark, et al. Spike Sorting for large, dense electrode arraysNature Neuroscience (2016). (link)

H F Olafsdottir*, C J Barry*, A B Saleem, D Hassibis~, H Spiers~, Hippocampal place cells construct reward related sequences through unexplored spaceeLife (2015). (pdf)

M L Scholvinck, A B Saleem, A Benucci, K D Harris~, M Carandini,~ Cortical state determines variability and correlations in visual cortexJournal of Neuroscience (2015). (pdf)

A B Saleem, A Ayaz, K J Jeffery, K D Harris~, M Carandini~, Integration of visual motion and locomotion in mouse visual cortexNature Neuroscience (2013). (pdf)

A Ayaz, A B Saleem, M L Scolvinck, M Carandini, Locomotion controls spatial integration in mouse visual cortexCurrent Biology (2013). (pdf)

A Benucci, A B Saleem, M Carandini, Adaptation maintains population homeostasis in primary visual cortexNature Neuroscience (2013).(pdf)

A B Saleem, K D Longden, D A Schwyn, H G Krapp, S R Schultz, Bimodal optomotor response to plaids in blowflies: mechanisms of component selectivity and evidence for pattern selectivityJournal of Neuroscience (2012). (pdf)

L Busse, A Ayaz, N T Dhruv, S Katzner, A B Saleem, M L Scholvinck, A D Zaharia, M Carandini, The detection of visual contrast in the behaving mouseJournal of Neuroscience (2011). (pdf)

A B Saleem, P Chadderton, J Apergis-Schoute, K D Harris, S R Schultz, Methods for predicting cortical UP and DOWN states from the phase of deep layer local field potentialsJournal of Computational Neuroscience (2010). (pdf)

A B Saleem, Information processing in visual systemsPhD thesis, Imperial College London (2009).

A B Saleem, H G Krapp, S R Schultz, Receptive field characterisation by spike-triggered independent component analysisJournal of Vision (2008). (pdf)

A H Habib and A Saleem, C V Tomy, D Bahadur, Structural Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Sr2-xBaxFeMoO6 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2)Journal of Applied Physics (2005).

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